We specialize in medical, cosmetic non-invasive skin treatments backed by science and delivered by advanced medical professionals. Our services are designed to make you feel welcome at every visit.

How does IV drip work?

  • Vitamins are infused directly into the blood stream
  • Rapid absorption of higher doses of vitamins, electrolytes and minerals dripped over 60 min through an arm vein
  • Different cocktails of vitamins customized for patient’s concerns i.e. fatigue, skin dullness, organ detoxification
  • Grab a book, catch up on Netflix, or meditate in the meantime

Types of IV Vitamin Cocktails + key ingredients

  • Energy revival: B vitamins, Vitamin C, NAD+
  • Weight loss: Vitamin B12, choline, methionine
  • Skin Brightening: glutathione, Vitamin C
  • Jetlag/Hangover/Cold recovery: B vitamins, Zinc, Vitamin C
1 Session: $150-$240


Who should NOT get IV Vitamins?

  • Individuals with a history of kidney stones
  • Individuals with a history of kidney disease
  • Pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
  • Individuals with a history of heart failure/strokes
  • Individuals with a history of high blood pressure
  • Elderly/Children
~60 minutes Better absorption low Every week or monthly depending on goals None

Why Vitamin Drip Vs Oral pills:

  • Vitamin drips bypass the digestive system and provides significantly better absorption
  • Oral consumption has lower absorption rate with some absorption as low as only 20% of the IV form
  • Effects are felt within hours of IV drip as oral pills which can take days

How long does vitamin drip effects last?

  • Between days to weeks depending on vitamin used

Can my health spending account cover for this treatment ?

YES, some will! Ask us for an invoice

Vitamins/Minerals Benefits Frequency
Vitamin B12 Combats fatigue and helps with new blood cell formation, nourishes brain and nervous system, helps resolve digestive problems (especially with vegan diets) Once a month
Vitamin B complex Increase in weight loss and metabolism, helps convert food into energy, helps create new blood cells and skin cells, promotes brain function Once every 2 weeks
Vitamin C Boosts immune system, assists with wound healing + tissue repair, and helps with anti-oxidation of body tissues, bones, teeth, cartilage Once every 2 weeks
Glutathione Has skin brightening + lightening effects, detoxifies internal organs, improves psoriasis, reduces cell damage in liver Once every 1 week
NAD+ Longevity health: age related NAD+ depletion contribute to aging Gain better more regular circadian rhythm Helps body produce more ATP or energy-carrying molecules Once every 2 weeks


  • Drink plenty of water so your veins are relaxed and makes it easier for you to receive IV therapy
  • Eat a snack (i.e. granola bar) so your blood sugar is stable helping to avoid nausea or lightheadedness during therapy
  • Take a washroom break before t drip


  • Duration can be 30-60 min, having something to do will help the time pass more quickly
  • We recommend you bring a book, crossword puzzles, listen to music, Watch netflix, meditate, work on your computer


  • Wear something comfortable and helps you feel relaxed
  • Ensure the veins in your inner elbow is exposed


  • Possible side effects include minor pain at injection site
  • If bruising or swelling at injection site, place a cold pack or ice in cloth to help reduce swelling and pain
  • Shower and bathe as you normally would
  • Prevent the injection site from rough contact with anything i.e. scraping


  • Prevent and treat dehydration and electrolyte
  • Ideal for jetlag, hangovers, recovery from flu

Energy Boost

  • Delivers NAD+ directly into the bloodstream, bypass the digestive system
  • Optimal for athletes, recovery from muscle fatigue, reduce risk of age-releated diseases

Skin Brightening

  • Supports immune response, liver cell protection and detoxification, skin benefits in skin for
    dark spots, dullness
  • Optimal for skin rejuvenation, organ detoxification


  • Complete cocktail of all major vitamins listed Helps support healthy skin, muscles, mood, immunity and is a powerhouse of all
  • Helps support healthy skin, muscles,mood,immunity and is a powerhouse of all drips
  • Optimal for anyone aged 20-60 with no contraindications