We specialize in medical, cosmetic non-invasive skin treatments backed by science and delivered by advanced medical professionals. Our services are designed to make you feel welcome at every visit.


Cynosure® Medical Lasers uses the MaxG handpiece, a part of the Palomar Icon Aesthetic System, one of the best IPL devices on the market. IPL, short for Intense Pulsed Light, or “photofacial” therapy, is a noninvasive method for repairing and rejuvenating skin texture and discoloration.

IPL addresses the effects of overexposure to the sun (“photoaging”). Photoaging most often affects the face, hands, neck and chest. The MaxG safely lightens and removes these unwanted blemishes.

$300+/session $700+/3 pack

Not recommended for darker skin tones

Series of 3

Recommend IPL in series of 3 for desired results as each time the machine will extract a certain amount of pigment in the skin

Areas treated

  • Face/Neck
  • Back/Chest
  • Arms/Hands
  • Feet/Toes

What can it address?

  • Pigment from UV damage
  • Liver or Age Spots
  • Broken Blood Vessels
  • Discolored Skin
  • Rosacea and Spider Veins
  • Stretch Marks

What is the process like?

  • Gel is applied to the skin where you receive treatment.
  • Eye shields to protect your eyes from intense light beams
  • You will feel cooling sensation with a slight rubber-band like snapping while energy is being delivered. A warm sensation during treatment can be felt

Post treatment care

  • Immdiately after you may feel a mild sunburn like feeling lasting 24 hours
  • Swelling/redness resolves mainly by second or third day
  • Avoid sun exposure and use SPF
  • Pigment will turn darker and crust and flake off in 1-3 weeks
Frequently Asked Questions About Cynosure® IPL
Is IPL a painful procedure?
Most people experience a mild stinging or snapping sensation during IPL treatment but it is generally well tolerated. The Cynosure IPL is unique in its cooling tip technology which makes the procedure much more comfortable.
How long does 1 IPL session take?
Duration of IPL session varies based on the area treated. Generally full face takes about 20-30 minutes.
How many sessions are needed to see results?
The number of sessions varies based on specific concerns addressed. Most IPL treatments require 3+ treatments spaced several weeks apart. IPL treatments are designed to treat 1 skin layer at a time hence why multiple treatments are required – because pigment discoloration exist at different depths in your skin.
Is there downtime after IPL treatments?
Some redness and mild swelling can occur immediately after the treatment, but usually within a few hours to 1-2 days it will subside. Makeup (mineral-based) may be applied right after treatment.