We specialize in medical, cosmetic non-invasive skin treatments backed by science and delivered by advanced medical professionals. Our services are designed to make you feel welcome at every visit.


Cynosure® 1540 nm non-ablative fractional resurfacing helps clients target their areas of concerns such as acne scarring, wrinkles, fine lines, and skin texture.

Fractional laser skin resurfacing is a skin rejuvenation treatment that effectively penetrates the deeper layers of the skin to instigate new cell growth, promote collagen cells to generate and improve the inner support structure of your skin

COST: PACK OF 3 Add Neck/Decollete
$500/session $1,200/3 pack Full Face +$100/session

Safe for all skin tones

Areas treated

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Crepey skin
  • Wrinkles around the eyes
  • Smoker’s lines
  • Acne scarring
  • Lax facial skin (mild) Enlarged pores
  • Rosacea
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Irregular skin texture
  • Stretch marks
  • Scars

What can you expect?

This laser tissue regeneration results in a smoother, tighter, more youthful-looking surface, lessening the appearance of discoloration, scarring, fine lines, and uneven skin texture.

Post treatment care

Some swelling may be expected. Use recommended post-treatment products for 5 days, and adhere to strict sun protection before and after treatment.

What is the process like?

  • Expert consultation
  • Topical numbing is applied to the skin where you receive treatment.
  • Eye shields to protect your eyes from intense light beams
  • You will feel a slight rubber-band like snapping while energy is being delivered.
  • After-care tips & recommendations
45 minutes Topical 1-5 Days 3-6 monthly treatments; more for scars/stretch marks